Year end is defined as year’s end, the end of the calendar year. Translated for all of us business owners that means “YEAR END” – the end of the fiscal year – that is if your year runs from January 1st to December 31st.  “YEAR...

Budgeting…to put it bluntly I think it sucks. Now I’m not saying that it is not a critical aspect of business and that it doesn’t have to be done. I’m simply saying I personally think it sucks! If you’re going to start the New Year...

A journey is the act of traveling somewhere – as the adage says “life is a journey”. Being a business owner let’s take that to one step further – “business is a journey”. Business is always traveling – forward, backwards, sideways or maybe even upside down....

Critical mass is the minimum amount of something required to start or maintain a venture. The minimum amount! Hmm let’s think about that for a moment…. Within business we never want to have just the minimum amount of money to pay our bills. Nor do we...

While researching on how to blog, I was told that I was supposed to start my first blog with “Hello World!” so here it goes “Hello World!” A BLOG! Wow blogging!...

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